Saturday, January 12, 2013

How I lost 85% of my Search Hits Over Night

On the 27:th of December the number of search impressions for my author stats dropped with about 85%! Nobody likes to see something like that. Fortunately I am not a business solely relying on revenue from people coming in from Google. If I was I would probably be out of business by now.

So how did this happen? 

On the 26:th of December 2012 I wrote and published this blog post I am pretty sure this is what caused my search impressions to drop heavily the day after(I don't have any proof for this but the number of search impressions have been very stable up until now). I know that the subject of the post is a bit touchy but it is not illegal and just a little hack to get around an annoying block that the mobile phone service providers are introducing all over the world forcing people to buy expensive tethering accounts even though they only need to use tethering every now and then. I was looking around for information about this subject and it was really hard to find any good information about it so when I got it working I decided to post it for other people to use. 

This was apparently not a good decision since it totally killed my SEO even though I am on Blogger. It has nothing to do with a change to the blog it must be purely based on the content posted.

Coming to think about it was probably hard to find any information about this subject because all sites posting this kind of information were kicked down the search ranks in Google. 

This is what I did to get my search rank to drop so heavily:
This is a screen grab of my impression to visit graph taken from the author stats in Google Webmaster Tools. 

Check out the extreme drop in impressions!

So why did this happen

I really wonder why this happened?
The post doesn't break any of the rules here Both the blog and the Google+ post are still live and I have had no warnings or any indication of that someone thought it was wrong to post this.
Can it be that the post was marked as abuse on Google+ and then affected my author score and since my Blog is connected to my Google+ page it dropped my search ranking scrore?
It is also very interesting to see how aggressive the drop is and only just one day after the blog post was published. 

Feel free to comment if you have any idea of why this might have happened. Have you been affected in a similar way if so how did you solve the problem? 

It is really sad because I did nothing wrong I just shared information that can help a lot of people get around an annoying problem. 


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